Future of Brabohammer

For now Brabohammer focusses on 40k single tournaments. However, in the future we would like to go and host teams events as we see the rise of its popularity and find it a facinating way of playing Warhammer 40k.

As for the game systems, for now Brabohammer focusses on Warhammer 40k. But also in the future we would like to look to host other Games Workshop systems like Age of Sigmar or Horus Heresy tournaments. Maybe even non-Games Workshop systems as OPR as long as there is enough interest

Community of Brabohammer

There is a (whatsapp) community for those that are interrested in tournaments that we will be hosting in the future. You can join it by scanning the QR-Code show below or you can sign yourself up to keep yourself up to date for our tournament which you can do here or here